Monday, July 4, 2016

Layout Update Mondays: Dress Rehearsal

The front of the Young Building.
In just a couple of hours, the layout is going to be packed up and on its way out to Indiana. I've spent the last week grooming the layout for the big show and adding some last minute details around the layout.  Here are just a few photos from around the layout I took during its "dress rehearsal" last night before it all gets packed away. If you are heading out to the National Train Show, the layout will be located in the 3000 block of layout displays (along with my club's HO modular layout).  Stop by and say hi!

A few building utilities added and some loading dock details.
Some park benches arrived for the Mallary Pavilion scene.
Toll booths painted and weathered - just need the LEDs installed.
Another view of the toll booths with a view of the working police car lights.
Not much has changed since Springfield at the M.O.W. area.
A look at the new signage along Memorial Avenue.
A new sign for the RR HQ building courtesy of the Amherst Railway Society.