Monday, June 13, 2016

Module Monday: Logging Module

The Logging Module with Valley Ntrak.
Over the year's I've had a chance to photograph numerous modular layouts at the Railroad Hobby Show and interview the module builders.  Here is a look back at one of these module profiles which was compiled during the 2009 Railroad Hobby Show.

Module Spotlight

Scale: N
Size: 2'x8'
Standards: Ntrak
Years Constructed: 2006-2008
Features: Logging Camp, Switchbacks, Waterfall
Era: 1950s-Present
Club: Valley Ntrak
Owner: Bill Pontin
FBill Pontin's Ntrak Logging Module was the winner of the Best in Show Module Award as part of the 2009 Ntrak Winterfest Convention held in conjunction with the Railroad Hobby Show.  The module made its debut in 2008 after two years of construction.

The module features a logging camp scene with several switchbacks to reach the logging area.  Bill scratchbuilt everything on the module including most of the equipment.  Details are numerous on the module with lots of small scenes to see.  One of the neat effects is how the tree line changes from the left side of the module to the right.  Full pine trees fill the hill on the left side while only stumps cover the right side of the module where the logging area is.  To add to this effect, there are painted backdrops which help to extend the scene.  Bill also added animation with a waterfall that "works."  By using rotating light behind the static water fall, he is able to make it look as though the stream is actually running.

An overview of the module.