Friday, May 27, 2016

History Fridays: 2011 Durham Train Show

2011 Durham Train Show
On October 2, 2011, the club participated in the New Haven Society of Model Engineer's Fall Train Show held at the Durham Fairgrounds in Durham, CT.  The club displayed a 14'x46' HO modular railroad at the show.  The layout included two large yard module sets - Pennsy Yard and Delany Yard - plus included the debut of the two foot Rivulet module.  This module was built in less than 90 hours during the week leading up to the show (see the time lapse video below).

Attendance was steady throughout the overcast day and most of the vendors and exhibitors seemed to enjoy the show.  Besides the club HO layout, there were numerous other layouts at the show including the Central Connecticut G Gaugers and the Connecticut Shoreliners On30 and Hn30 layouts.  The host's O scale layout with its well known bascule drawbridge was setup at the show along with their HO scale modular layout.

To see more photos from the show, visit: