Thursday, February 4, 2016

Exhibitor Thursday: Dry Hill Model Railroad Club

Dry Hill Model Railroad Club.

Exhibitor Spotlight

Name: Dry Hill Model Railroad Club
Years at the Show: 22
Display Style: Modular Layout
Type: Model Railroad Club
Size: 24'x72'
Present Location: Mallary Complex
Past Location: Better Living Center
Home Location: Montague, MA
Website: Dry Hill MRC
Located in the Mallary Complex, the Dry Hill Model Railroad Club's HO scale modular railroad has become a crowd favorite over the last 22 years.  Started in 1994 as a sub-group of the Amherst Belt Lines (ABEL), the small group built one module - called Dakota Falls - which was setup inside the Better Living Center with ABEL.

Over the years, the club expanded to several dozen members and in 2008, with the opening of the Mallary Complex, branched out on their own.  Today, the layout includes huge industries like a Coca-Cola bottling plant and an Amtrak Station.  A large yard anchors one side of the layout where 100-car, multi-diesel lashups are assembled for runs around the layout.  The layout is set in modern times with models of a number of local railroads - like Providence and Worcester and Amtrak - along with Class I's like Norfolk Southern found operating on the layout.

To learn more about the club, visit the website at: