Monday, May 30, 2016

Layout Update Mondays: Pavement Markings

Masking for lane lines and stop bars.
One of the big tasks remaining for the model of Memorial Avenue was to complete the numerous pavement markings needed on the road surface.  There are a total of four lanes in this area with a double yellow center line and white dashed markings for the two travel lanes in each direction.  These were masked off and then hand painted in the appropriate color.  In addition, a set of railroad crossing pavement markings was added to each lane along with a stop bar in front of the railroad tracks.  The railroad crossing pavement marking was painted with the aid of a template which I created and is available here at Shapeways.  Everything came out fairly nice and the last step will be to weather the road surface and add some vehicles and barrels.

Painting the double yellow center line of Memorial Avenue.

The finished pavement markings.

Friday, May 27, 2016

History Fridays: 2011 Durham Train Show

2011 Durham Train Show
On October 2, 2011, the club participated in the New Haven Society of Model Engineer's Fall Train Show held at the Durham Fairgrounds in Durham, CT.  The club displayed a 14'x46' HO modular railroad at the show.  The layout included two large yard module sets - Pennsy Yard and Delany Yard - plus included the debut of the two foot Rivulet module.  This module was built in less than 90 hours during the week leading up to the show (see the time lapse video below).

Attendance was steady throughout the overcast day and most of the vendors and exhibitors seemed to enjoy the show.  Besides the club HO layout, there were numerous other layouts at the show including the Central Connecticut G Gaugers and the Connecticut Shoreliners On30 and Hn30 layouts.  The host's O scale layout with its well known bascule drawbridge was setup at the show along with their HO scale modular layout.

To see more photos from the show, visit:

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Exhibitor Thursday: New England Short Lines

Larry Kemp's New England Short Lines display.

Exhibitor Spotlight

Name: New England Short Lines
Years at the Show: 20+
Size: 30"x8'
Display Style: HO Scale Display
Type: Locomotive Models
Present Location: Better Living Center
One of the more interesting static setups at the show is Larry Kemp's New England Short Lines display.  The display features numerous custom painted and detailed HO scale locomotives and rolling stock from present day New England shortline railroading. Each year, there are always new models which have been created based on the rosters of railroads in the northeast.  For example, this past year's display included the newly acquired ex-Florida East Coast Providence and Worcester SD70M-2s as well as the First Responders Norfolk Southern units.

In addition to these new locomotives, a variety of other New England shortlines were on display.  Numerous Genesse & Wyoming roads filled one of the shelves and several scenic railroad's locomotives were also on display.  In addition, some equipment from abandoned roads - like the Narragansett Pier Railroad and New Haven Terminal - were custom painted and detailed.

Every year it's a lot of fun to check out the changes in the collection and what new projects have been completed.  You can typically find the display inside the Better Living Center near the Dunkin Donuts stand.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Module Monday: Ntrak Ore Dock Module

Ntrak Ore Dock Module.
Over the year's I've had a chance to photograph numerous modular layouts at the Railroad Hobby Show and interview the module builders.  Here is a look back at one of these module profiles which was compiled during the 2009 Railroad Hobby Show.

Module Spotlight

Scale: N
Size: 3'x12'
Standards: Ntrak
Years Constructed: 1999
Features: Ore Dock, Lighthouse
Era: 1950s-1960s
Club: Salt City Ntrak
Owner: Harry Smith
Harry Smith's impressive Ntrak Ore Dock module set is 3'x12' made up of three sections each four feet in length.  The focal point of the module is the ore dock and ore ship at the center of the middle module.  The yard and dock are at the front of the module.  This means that the mainlines were swung towards the back of the module.

On the right module there is a small city and on the left module there is a bridge over a river.  The river appears to be heading off into the distance as Harry used mirrors to expand the scene.  He conducts clinics at various conventions on all the techniques he used to build these scenes from the water, to the rocks, and to the mirrors.  Also, this module features a lighthouse made using a plastic thread spool and probably one of smallest attention grabbing items on the module, flying birds!  Harry discovered a way to make birds from small pieces of styrene and suspend them in the air using filament wire. In the pictures to the right and on the bottom right show the birds in flight.

This module is also one of the most traveled modules.  Harry brings this module all over the country to participate in Ntrak meets.  Over the past summer, he was in Kentucky for the annual N Scale Collector's National Convention and set up his module with the gigantic Ntrak layout there.

Friday, May 20, 2016

History Fridays: Amtrak 40th Anniversary Show

Club members watch over the mainline during the Amtrak 40th Anniversary Show.
A couple of years ago, the club was asked to setup a layout as part of the Amtrak 40th Anniversary celebration. On the scorching hot weekend of July 23-24, 2011, the Amtrak 40th Anniversary Train was parked out in front of New London Union Station as part of a nationwide tour for folks to learn more about the history of the National Railroad Passenger Corporation.

The club displayed a 12'x20' HO scale layout which featured Amtrak equipment cruising around the layout for the duration of the weekend. We had good participation from the membership with plenty of help to setup and operate the layout. The crowds were steady all weekend long as many locals came out to see the Amtrak 40th Anniversary train. The train featured a number of exhibit cars filled with photos, models, and memorabilia since the start of Amtrak operations in 1971.

Besides the club's layout and the exhibit train, the show featured display's from the Amtrak Police Department, Operation Lifesaver, as well as a Chugginton Display.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Exhibitor Thursday: JL Innovative Design

JL Innovative Design's tables inside the Young Building.

Exhibitor Spotlight

Name: JL Innovative Design
Display Style: Tables
Type: Retailer
Size: 2.5'x24'
Present Location: Young Building
Home Location: Sauk Rapids, MN
JL Innovative Design is a manufacturer of HO and N scale structure kits, details, and vehicles.  This year marks 25 years of product manufacturing for the company - which has recently expanded with the purchased the Durango Press product line.  Most of the kits and details focus on the transition era - the 1930s through the 1950s. 

At the show, the JL Innovative Design tables are setup inside the Young Building - next to the G scale Mohegan Pequot Model Railroad Club's modular layout.  The brightly lit red tables are lined with numerous dioramas of the kits produced by the company.  The display is well done and shows off the high level of craftsmanship which goes into the kits. 

To learn more, visit the JL Innovative Design website at:

Monday, May 16, 2016

Module Monday: Steve's Swamp

Steve's Swamp module.
Over the year's I've had a chance to photograph numerous modular layouts at the Railroad Hobby Show and interview the module builders.  Here is a look back at one of these module profiles which was compiled during the 2009 Railroad Hobby Show.

Module Spotlight

Scale: HO
Size: 28"x72"
Standards: Club
Years Constructed: 2006
Features: Swamp, Beaver Dams
Era: 1950s-Present
Club: Central New York Modelers
Owner: Steve and Bill Brown, MMR
There is nothing quite like a vacation spot in the Adirondack's to drum up inspiration for a module project. The Steve's Swamp module was designed by Steve Brown and his dad, Bill, based on scenes from the Adirondack Scenic Railroad in upstate New York. The module features numerous mini-scenes to capture the feel of the area as well as a photo backdrop from a summer vacation to the Saranac Lake in the region.

The module was constructed in 2006 over span of about six months following standards developed by the Central New York Modelers club.  Supported by folding legs, the module's mainlines stand at 51" off the floor.  All the trackage on the module is code 83.

At just six feet in length, a lot of details have been packed in to create the summer vacation scene in the Adirondacks.  There are fishermen, beaver dams, campfires, and an animated crossing.  The buildings are combination of kit, kitbashed, and scratchbuilt structures.  One of the more interesting features is the working fireflies.  Steve and Bill managed to add this animation using fiber optics and a single light source.  The simple design produced effective results and when viewers are up close to the module can see this detail.

It's no surprise with all this detail that the module was awarded third place in the individual module contest at the 2006 National Train Show in Philadelphia, PA.

An overview photo of the module.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Exhibitor Thursday: Atlas Model Railroad Company

Atlas O Track, Locomotive, and Box Car on the Tribute to Springfield layout.

Exhibitor Spotlight

Name: Atlas Model RR Co
Display Style: Tables
Type: Manufacturer
Size: 30"x40'
Present Location: Mallary Complex
Home Location: Hillside, NJ
Website: Atlas RR Co
Social Media:
Arguably one of the largest manufacturers at the show is the Atlas Model Railroad Company.  Best known for their track, locomotives, and rolling stock in HO and N scale, Atlas is also one of the few manufacturer's of O scale 2 rail equipment.  The Tribute to Springfield layout includes lots of these pieces including all of the track, rolling stock, and the single locomotive.

For many years now Atlas has set up a large booth inside the Mallary Complex which includes working layouts in HO, N, and O scale (3 rail).  In addition, the newest product releases from the company are also typically on display for inspection by show attendees.  This past year, the company put together a great time lapse video showing the process of traveling up to The Big E and setting up their booth inside the Mallary Complex.  It helps give a sense of how much work goes in to pulling this show together.

To learn more, visit the Atlas Model Railroad Company website at:

Friday, May 6, 2016

History Fridays: 2015 Conard High School Show

The 2015 Conard High School Train Show.
On November 7, 2015, the club setup a HO scale layout in support of the West Hartford Technology Student Association's annual train show at Conard High School in West Hartford, CT.  This was the club's second year supporting the show and featured a revised module lineup from the previous year.  The new Woodstock Valley, Lillian Grain and Industry, as well as Amanda's corner all were on display at the show.

Setup began bright and early at 6 a.m. in the morning in the school's cafeteria.  This gave the club ample time to setup the 20'x28' layout and be ready running trains by the time the show opened at 10 am.  The club had good support from membership with over a dozen members helping to display the layout.

At the show, besides the club's layout, several other layouts were featured including an HO modular layout display from the New Haven Society of Model Engineers as well as an O gauge layout from the Connecticut Society of Ferroequinologists.  In addition, several vendors were scatted throughout the hallways and cafeteria.

Overall the club enjoyed the experience and hopes to be back next November for the 2016 edition of the show!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Exhibitor Thursday: Monster LEDs

Al and family at the 2016 Railroad Hobby Show.

Exhibitor Spotlight

Name: Monster LEDs
Display Style: Table
Type: Retailer
Size: 2.5'x8'
Present Location: Young Building
Home Location: Norwich, CT
Website: Monster LED on eBay
If you've spent anytime surfing around YouTube looking at model railroad videos, you've probably come across Al Mayo's Monster Railroad YouTube channel.  Over the last eight years, he has produced hundreds of videos and has over 14,000 channel subscribers! It's entirely possible I may or may not have even made a cameo or two (see below).

Over the last couple of years, Al has been growing a side business selling LED ditch light and headlight kits for locomotives on eBay.  They have become popular and this past year, Al had a table at the show inside the Young Building showing off and selling his LED kits.  Al is a huge Union Pacific fan so, naturally, he was showing off the installed kits in his nicely weathered Union Pacific SD70 series locomotive fleet.

To learn more, visit Al's eBay store at: Monster LEDs on eBay

Monday, May 2, 2016

Layout Update Mondays: Parking Toll Booth

Under construction parking toll booth.
One of the last remaining structures to be built on the modules are the parking toll booths located at the Gate 9 entrance.  This past week, I started the first of three which will be located on the front edge of the layout.  As is with most items on the layout, the parking toll booths are close replicas of what is there but with some slight modifications to accommodate materials I had on hand.  Once its painted, signs and lights added, they should be a reasonable representation of what is currently at the fairgrounds.